Line Dropper!

WP_20150513_006Team Members:

Liam, Corey, Jacob and Chris

Starring: Sloth_Bot!


We chose this project because Liam came to us with the idea saying that he wanted to try building a robot that travelled on a string and drops items into a bucket. The final build used wheels and motors to travel along the string, and other motors opened a hatch that dropped lollies into a bucket. Before this idea our project ideas were “One-way Chasings” or “Memory”.


We learned how to create a robot that moves on a string, this hadn’t been done in our class yet. We also learned how stressful and difficult it can be when your robot breaks apart. As I just said, the robot broke apart, it pulled itself apart and we weren’t sure why. The balance wasn’t right, so we spent a lesson just trying to balance it out. A lesson before we had to present it, we decided to pull it all apart and try again, so our robot was one lessons work with two lessons worth of knowledge. To fix the problems we just smacked everything we had onto the robot until it fixed the balanced. We’ve had so many ideas of what we could do differently and better, and we are confident we could build it better with the chance.

Line Game – The Code we used.


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