
Pomegranate is a 2D scroller game that has you controlling one of two players; a black or a white robot.

The black roboSCreenshott is controlled with the, A, D, Space, and Shift keys. While the white robot with the, Up, Down, Left, Right keys.

This game is still under development and I’m not sure if you will get much out of it. But it is still regardless a good example of what you can do with Gamemaker. There is still much more to be implemented.

There currently is no aim of the game, you must simply try it out and note the mechanics, some good ideas may emerge from you all.

So I hope you all have some fun with this and thanks for testing Pomegranate.


One Reply to “Pomegranate”

  1. A nice looking game but suffers from a huge lack of interesting game play. I loved messing around with some of the game mechanics(holding L down while moving back and forth). I also never knew that when people crouch they defy gravity! I have 2 requests CHANGE THE NAME and develop this tech demo into a game.

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