Destructo Tanks! ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Capture3Do you like blowing things up?

Do you have a need to hurt your friends?

Do you belong in a mental hospital?

Well this is the game for you!

Objective: Control a coloured tank to destroy the other coloured tank!

Destructo Tanks is a top down shooter style game where there are two players controlling two different coloured tanks (blue and orange), and the aim of the game is to destroy the other player.

There are randomly generated powerups at controlled random intervals during gameplay to make the game a little more interesting and fair for newer players. the game is also quite simple to learn, however, hard to master.


Download the game here! –> Destructo_Tanks

Created by Ethan, Corey, and Jacob

2 Replies to “Destructo Tanks! ¯_(ツ)_/¯”

  1. this is a great starting point for a tank game, similar to tank trouble but it is still a bit rough around the edges. little glitches like getting caught on the walls spoils the fun for the game

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