Heavy Rain is a take on classic Nintendo Game & Watch series games such as Fire, Chef and Lifeboat with a slight twist – It’s two player co-op.
You and a friend can co-operate to go for a high score, or get competitive to see who alone is the best. It’s fun, and can get a little hectic in the clutch and pivotal final seconds. It’s a colourful game with an art style similar to 32-bit style games.
The best part is that you can download it here for free: Heavy Rain
Our aim for Heavy Rain was to make something simple, since we began with grand aspirations and didn’t consider the limitations. Looking back, I’m glad we had the failure early, because it allowed us to take a thirty-year old concept and make it fit in a somewhat contemporary setting.
There is a hidden story to Heavy Rain, but we’ll leave that for the players to figure out (;
We had a lot of challenges with this project (as always.) But this time, the challenges allowed us to move in a new direction and look at things from a different angle.
Our biggest challenges were our aspirations and expectations. As well as our overestimation of the project at hand, and our own skill. The other was our time management which we were able to hurdle once we got the ball rolling. Or the rain falling, in this case.
We really hope you enjoy our game!
Created by Caleb, Nathanael, and Stewart
Wow guys you’ve done really well to spruce it all up! With the name Heavy Rain, I thought it was going to be like that game with the same title on PS3, great graphics but little gameplay. But this does have that 2 player competitive gameplay.
Needs more polish as it crashed at the game end and it would be great to have some instructions (my co-worker was fumbling through). Sometimes we do have these grand designs but limitations soon kick in, such as time, however often the best games are the most simple ones. Look at Tetris, Angry Birds, Flappy Bird, Asteroids, etc. Well done to you all!
Was a cool game. But needs more work since it crashed at the end.
The sprites were a bit out of place, it was a space themed game but the multi-coloured player looked a bit out of whack for the space background.
The crash at the end should be fixed, with a proper ‘Game Over’ Sign – preferably with audio and a clear winner between player 1 and 2.
there should be a selectable difficulty at the menu, indicating which mode you want to play instead of rapidly firing and eventually getting harder.
Crash may be because too many sprites at the end, might crash it.
Simple game/clear objective.
Well done 🙂
This Game is Made well but it’s not that fun ;c