Week 2

This week we’re working together on a whole-class challenge. This is based on a challenge called “The Wave” originally featured in this video by robotics educator Damien Kee.

Ian Chow-Miller is a teacher who picked up on Damien’s idea and has done some amazing variations with his class. For example:

Ian’s playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL04BFE6CD07839962

A post by Ian about this challenge – http://www.legoengineering.com/a-week-in-the-life-2-starting-to-wave/

Following some discussion of Damien’s original video, we figured that it was comprised three distinct sections that we called:

  1. Triangle
  2. Zig-zag
  3. Wave

What is the first thing that the robots in Damien’s video do?

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