Epic Dodge Ultimate: Ultimate Extreme Edition

Epic Dodge Ultimate: Ultimate Extreme Edition is this little game where you’re a block and you have to turn a wheel to move it so you can dodge incoming blocks that fly at you with increasing speed.

Haptics are involved in the game by making the wheel shudder and turn a bit when you come into contact with a block, and also when you try to move your block off the screen in which case it will stop turning and reverse slightly.

I chose this project because I thought it would be a simple and easy little project to do, but it wasn’t. Collision detection is a pain.

I would like to acknowledge my teacher Rob for helping me out with this project because without his help 90% of the time, it wouldn’t have amounted to much. Thanks, dude.

I learnt a fair bit about how to use the EV3 brick and the programming block and what they do and all that.


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