Destiny 1 game review/rant

Destiny 1 (released September 2014) has many genres entwined into it, including First Person Shooter, Role Playing Game and a semi-Massive Multiplayer Online experience. Bungie, the company that built the game, gained many followers/gamers through their successful game franchise Halo. With their knowledge of making an astounding FPS, they then went with a more open world exploration experience.

Bungie had made a magnificent game with solid fire fights and a player-versus-player experience with many different incorporations in numerous other games that contains beautiful and massive worlds to play upon that includes the Earth, the Moon, Venus and Mars.

Image result for destiny 1 art

There are always flaws in a new style of game, but Destiny had an exceedingly large amount for such a well-developed team creating it. Destiny looks and plays brilliantly, but many of Bungie’s promises got left behind, and that includes Destiny’s story line.

What was so unexpected and mysterious was how it could be so bad, so confusing and uninspiring when the story was one of its main selling points with its amazing back story and lore.

The cut scenes are lacking and there is no real goal or explanation for what you are working towards. There is no replayability in any of the lower level parts of the game and in the entire campaign and this does also include all of the 6 expansions to the game over its time.

What is extremely interesting was that year before the game’s release, September 2013 that the lead creative writer for destiny Joseph Statin left Bungie, he was also the lead writer for Halo.

To this day nobody outside the company really knows why he left, but why would he leave in the last year of the game’s creation? The only real answer would be that in the final year of the game’s four year development was that he must have been notified that a decision was made for all of his hard work was going to be gutted and wiped. The reason for this would be to dumb the game way down to appeal to a more casual market and players just like the Call of Duty franchise has done making an even playing field for both hard-core and casual gamers by dropping the games skill gap dramatically.

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There was a significant amount of fully developed content in the game ready to be played at on release but it was locked out. For example, the ‘Seraphim Vault’ was an area that many people were able to glitch into. Nothing much was thought of it because it was assumed to be in the final game but it wasn’t. There were many more pieces of content that existed inside the game, fully texturized and completed. This means that content was cut from the original build so they could sell it to you for an extra $20. It wasn’t even cut it was just locked away because most of it was already on your game disc. It seems like there is an enormous amount of evidence for a much grander game that was advertised to the player base.

Over all, Destiny was a great success and made a mark in the game world with its beautifully crafted worlds amazing player versus player experience and has brought a new era to FPS MMO gaming. Bungie, however, overhyped the game and created expectations that it was not able to deliver on. Including its shortcoming Campanian and story that was ripped from the game in its last years.

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