Destiny 2 Game Review

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Destiny 2 is an online-only multiplayer shooter set in a futuristic version of our solar system. It was released in September 2017, developed by Bungie and published by Activision.

Gameplay and Controls

When you start the game, the first thing you do is create a character. You have to choose between the three classes which are Titan, Hunter and Warlock. In the main story, you start on Earth. From there you go to the other planets which are Titan, Nessus and IO. You travel between the planets using a fast travel system. Alongside the main story there are plenty of side missions that you can complete. The controls are very standard, I find them quite simple and easy to use.


The game looks amazing, it is very colourful, and all of the planets look unique.


All of the sounds are spot on and the music is great, but the game doesn’t have a separate volume control for the music, you have to either turn if on or off. I often found that the music was too loud and the gameplay was too quiet which ended up making me turn the music off.


The main reason the game has such a great replayability is because of the number and variety of different missions. You end up repeating missions for better loot and other items. Some missions can be a bit repetitive but most of them are interesting enough that they are worth replaying.

Fun Factor

I enjoyed the main story of the game and am excited to keep playing and levelling up my character. There are a lot of things to do, and lots of variety in how you do them. With the amount of fun I have had playing this game I am recommending it to anyone that is interested in these types of games.


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