Batman Arkham Knight Game review

Batman Arkham Knight presents itself as the final in a series of Batman games with “This is how the Batman dies” as its moral of the game. While Arkham Knight has a polished setup offered to the table it however disappoints with its hit and miss story, gameplay and general experience. If you are buying this as a newcomer to the Batman: Arkham series you won’t be too disappointed with its setup, but as a fan of the series you might not appreciate its forced use of the new batmoblie.

Arkham Knight’s combat is unique and makes you feel like a warrior in combo fighting simplified on a 3D scale. Arkham Knight’s combat is faster than ever compared to all other Batman games, checking all marks in playability for the main character Batman. Unfortunately, the rest of the characters miss abilities that flaw combat heavily.  There are also some odd issues with characters such as Red Hood and Batgirl, that are offered as additional content.

Arkham Knight offers environmental takedowns and the ability to pick up weapons and objects. Those are the two additional features of Arkham Knight, however these two additional features are good with a twist. Certain weapons that you are able to pick up are in one specific mission for one fight. Which just removes that feature in the rest of the game. The other feature environmental takedowns are scarce in the game and offer some instant kills.  Although they’re awesome and make combat feel far more fluid, the ability to perform the environmental takedowns, are like the weapons scarce in the game and only in certain areas.

The area where this game shines is in the stealth section. It’s super fluid in ways unseen in the previous games. The ability to take down enemies from certain angles lacked in other Batman Arkham games but in Arkham Knight it’s far more versatile. Arkham Knight offers a new takedown feature called “Fear Takedowns” allowing you to consecutively takedown enemies quickly in a matter of seconds. It reduces enemies quicker and is an extremely polished feature bringing more fluidity to the combat in stealth and front assault. Fear takedowns are offered at hidden angles from the enemies.

Driving the batmoblie is okay, but it doesn’t offer an “Oh my gosh I’m in the batmoblie” experience. The very floaty Batmobile eats most of the game; forced upon you the whole game in a linear way. Driving in is far more exciting than Arkham Knight. The driving isn’t the problem. The combat in the batmoblie is awful. Its combat is to simply dodge the lasers. It doesn’t offer anything special. It has a simple array of weapons but it felt like playing a mobile game. With Batman’s no killing morals, it feels unlike Batman to blow up other tanks, despite the excuse that the tanks are remotely controlled.

Arkham Knight’s player controls are some of the best controls I’ve ever played with. They are easy to pick up and understand, and displayed in the user interface in such a beautiful format. Learning advanced controls just feels so easy.

The graphics sets new standards. The way that the city of Gotham is presented is well done, including muddy tracks from dirt, soaring skyscrapers and red, green and blue neon night lights in China Town. Batman looks more badass then ever with his cape looking like the caped crusader he is.

Though checking all marks, Arkham Knight in my experience had some odd texture pop in issues leaving me with awful textures at points. Additionally, Arkham Knight’s PC port is the absolute worst I’ve ever seen, lacking graphical fidelity and featuring seriously bad performance across the board.

Sound work is nothing to fall head over heels for, but the general atmosphere of the game is bass boosted, which is just a simple way of impressing an audience. It would have been nice if Arkham Knight had more detailed sounds for Gotham City and more voice actors for general enemies. There is too much repetition with the lines spoken.

The enemies in the Arkham Knight’s Map are just too easy.. If you’re just looking to fly down onto ground and punch up, you can. The problem is that there’s just no challenge. It’s just one strike after another. To fill another gap, there are missions separate of Gotham and the story, however they aren’t very versatile and they very quickly leave you with a very developer driven experience. Typically they all had odd ways of scoring, leaving you more confused.

Driving through to the finish with the batmobile in this game just isn’t possible. Putting besides the great stealth, the combat is brilliant and so fluid it just lacks that actually ability to replay it in an awesome way. Every corner of this game I was asking for a little bit more. Its great combat and stealth really hold it there with its fantastic graphics; it just wasn’t a game I would be hyping over and over for. I will leave it on my shelf for a while before I pick it up again and give it a good shot.

6/10 Great game just lacks the ability to really play its great features.



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