Remote-Control Claw

The final prototype remote and claw

The Remote-Controlled Claw is an assistive device designed for people who may have troubles in mobility or trouble working complex machines such as the elderly. The robot uses a simplified remote control for simple use of the robot itself, allowing the user to be able to drive the robot into places where it would not have been possible with a regular humans hand.

The robot has a motor fixed to both sides with a touch sensor from the remote control to work the claw on the front of the robot. All of these functions are made possible by connecting both bricks with Bluetooth, with extensive testing and developments to enhance the abilities of the machine. In doing so we believe that a robot such as this could be a success on a commercial market, as the need for a simple and lightweight assistive device is one that is lacking for those that need it.

As the controls to operate the robot are very basic everyone that uses it could be able to operate it without much problem, the only downside to the robot is that there are no guides to tell the operator if the claw is lined up correctly to pick up the object surrounding it. A sound or light flash to signify this maybe would’ve helped the owner use the claw easier, although there was a clear plan to not over-complicate it given what the target audience would be if put on for sale in a commercial aspect.

Top- Remote / Bottom- Claw

Group Members – Calen & Daniel

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