Bob the Generic

The Challenge...

The goal is to create a robot that is able to push, grab or outmanoeuvre an opponent in a game of Sumo.

Main Theme/Idea of Prototype

Our robot was originally designed with a ramp on the front for lifting/pushing other robots out of the ring, however it exceeded the size limit.

The front of the robot featured a small neck which was fitted with a light sensor for detecting the outside of the ring to prevent it from throwing itself out of the game.

The robot was named Bob the Generic because of its creators lack of interest for making a perfect robot. Our team created a program which allowed the robot to make quick and sporadic movements. It didn’t detect other robots, it was designed to be undetectable to other robots due to its insane agility.

What Worked?

  • It successfully outmanoeuvred the opponent robots most of the time.
  • The light sensor worked 100% of the time and Bob never fell out of the ring.
  • The neck allowed it to safely peek over the edges without falling off.
  • The program overall was successful.

What Didn’t Work?

  • Unfortunately various tests and rules prevented us from keeping the ramp.
  • The design process for the neck was rocky, however we were able to resolve it.
  • It has a lack of sensors to actually detect opponents.
By Isaac, Nick, and Jameson.

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