Bench Bot

The challenge for this project was to make an assistive robot to help with a variety of things.

Our approach to this was to build a robot that helps to wipe down things such as a kitchen bench.

We decided to do this by building a pretty standard but also sturdy robot with a sponge mounted that would drive around a bench and clean it. We found that this was a better approach than something such as remote control, because with Bench Bot you turn it on, press a button then it automatically will clean a bench that it is put on.

Something that might be of comparison to Bench Bot could potentially be a Roomba. A Roomba is an automatic vacuum that will clean the floors of your house or building without assistance.

Bench Bot was our final project, but before we started building we brainstormed a variety of things to help with assisting people.

  • An automatic filer.
  • A bionic arm.
  • Dispenser for a multitude of objects

Pictures of Bench Bot in its almost final form. After this from we added a second ultrasonic sensor to make sure it couldn’t possibly fall off the table.

For this challenge, I feel that Bench Bot was fairly successful as an assistive device. If more time was given or time was used in the best way, I feel more things could’ve been added to make Bench Bot better. A water source could’ve been implemented to make it less difficult to run and setup. A better design might have been a better approach as bench bot currently looks pretty boring.

Tom and Miley.

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