Not a Space Ship

My game, Not a Space Ship, is an asteroids-esque top down shooter. Actually, who am I kidding, it’s a blatant copy of asteroids with all the features that made it good. It’s got the movement, the splitting asteroids and the simplistic feel.

My version has a simple menu and end screen, a score counter and lives. Sounds for firing projectiles and the destruction of asteroids has been implemented. Ambient sound is also in the game. Custom sprites are in the game and everything works well. There is no game breaking errors and the controls are simple to understand.

There is also a very simple Easter egg for the player to find.

List of features:

  • Sprites
  • Sound
  • Menu
  • Splinting
  • Variable asteroids (random direction, speed and spin)
  • Score and lives system

Check out Not a Space Ship here: not a space ship

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