The project is a light switch frame which can be attached in the place of normal frames, that modular covers can be applied to for blocking the access of chosen switches so they can’t be turned on by accident, such as in low light or by children. The modularity of the cover allows it to be used on 1, 2, or 4 switch frames.

The cover was designed to suit my own needs, as people accidentally flicking the wrong switch is a common problem in my life. I thus wanted to create something that would allow some switches to be blocked while others remained usable. I also wanted it to be modular, as not only is every switch different in if people want it to be used, but there are also multiple switch arrangements.

My main trouble with designing it was finding the exact size for the pins to be so that they’re tight enough to keep the cover attached to the frame, while still being small enough to actually work. This involved many prints of the same object, tweaked in size about 0.95x every time, since the 3D printer also varies in size due to uncontrollable elements.
The .stl files of the 3 components are below