This was my version of the student platformer game from earlier in the year. It has all the required core mechanics including platforms, gravity, player movement and an objective. The player must travel past the enemies and up to the top platform and to the door which teleports the player to the opposing door. They are then able to collect the key and open the gate to escape. The end door won’t allow the player through unless the key has been collected.
The player is able to move in all directions and a walking animation is displayed when he moves left, right or when he jumps. If the player jumps and hits the enemy from the head then the enemy will die, however, if they collide from any other angle the player will die and the game will reset.
The viewport does not take up the whole screen. It shows a little less than half of the room and follows the player. This way the user cannot see the solution to the room straight away.
The game art was sourced from the links below. All the background tiles were placed and layered by hand. There are no solids present underneath the water tiles. The waterfall is an example, if you walk over it the player will fall through and have to climb back up from the bottom.

The screen above is displayed when one reaches the goal. From there you can press space to start again. This game only ended up having one stage as the additional mechanics already built-in took a lot of time. The additional features being walking animation, jump animation, enemy collisions and so on.