Hethan (pronounced like Ethan, but with an “H”) is a short action RPG, with a simple concept; kill all the bats as quickly as possible, and don’t die.
A score displays on screen when you either die or kill all the bats on the map. The score is primarily determined by how many bats were killed, however it is also lowered by how long you took to kill them. (This cannot make the score negative.)

Character progression was an original goal, but was unable to be included within the time frame due to study taking a front seat. Lucky that it was unable to be included however, as a progression system would require much more content to really shine, one aspect that this game sorely lacks.
(Another being zeppelins)

Hethan was inspired by the early Zelda games, specifically “A Link to the Past“, and “Minish Cap“. The graphics (while not mine) were clearly based on the graphics in “The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap“, as is very clearly visible in images like these:
Left image: sourced from a series of screenshots on mobygames.com