Matthew’s Hamish’s Jump Maze

This game is Hamish’s Jump Maze, it hopefully fits the brief of the game since Hamish designed the game brief and I followed what he told me to do. The game’s brief was a maze game that had a platformer element to it. How I understood the brief as the player needed gravity but there have to be a lot of twists and turns that the player could not see unless exploring the whole map. I implemented these tricks as walls that players thought were solid. I also have added coins that the players have to collect while also avoiding spikes. The best mechanic I added to the game was ladders, a way the player can move up and down since the platformer element has been implemented.

The only other element that I wanted to put in the game was enemies that moved and the players had to avoid or kill. I could of also added a boss level where the player picked up a gun and shot enemies. But I did not add this due to the brief leading me into another direction.

I also made an instruction page that I was instructed to do in the game design brief. I added my spicy hand writing with the mouse to give it a better atmosphere to the game.

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