LEGO Tank Piece w/ Set

With the inclusion of custom pieces, our intentions were to reimagine the pre-existing 2000425 EV3 LEGO kit and give it a renewed purpose. Our solution was the creation of the LEGO Tank Pieces. These are the two halves of a cylindrical tank with a hollow interior that fit together and lock in place. A connector for a LEGO pin is located on each end of the cylinder, allowing for easy attachment to any technical LEGO build. This pieces can be used in a variety of ways on constructions, including floatation tanks for supporting builds atop water.

The dimensions of the LEGO Tank piece is 3 studs wide and 5 studs high, and tank pieces A and B identical mirror images, so that they lock into place. This is done through the small outcrop and crevasse on each edge of the tank, which when mirrored fit perfectly together.

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