Alterside is a game focusing on the connection between a man and his cat, Joey. The goal is to keep Joey alive for as long as possible, while exploring the surroundings. Find fish around the map to feed your pet and prolong its life for just that little bit longer.
This project was a massive undertaking and I vastly underestimated the amount of work it would require. The biggest catching point was the dialogue system and getting that to work, despite there being many addons for that exact function that would have worked perfectly well… had made it a 1920×1080 display.
The major issue I have with this work, is that it doesn’t play like a game. Most games have something to hook the player, whereas this one feels empty. When creating games, the first priority is to make the game fun to play before giving it art and things (which unfortunately doesn’t work in my case given the intention behind this project. A conjoined Art/Game project.)
This project took somewhere over 150 hours of work before I ran out of time to continue, which I am thankful for because it was really beginning to drain on me.
– Artwork: Jonathan Charleston (me)
– Programming: Jonathan Charleston
– Level Design: Jonathan Charleston
– Game Concept: Jonathan Charleston
– Cat Sounds: Coco Charleston, The cutest little cat you ever did see.
– Other Sound Effects: Various unlicensed sounds from freesounds.com.