Lebanon Simulator is a 3D remake of the 2D game Tanks, in which players have to take in turns moving, aiming and changing the force of their shots to hit the other players tank. The game features procedurally generated terrain that changes in height and frequency based on a range of environment options the player is provided with. Other key components of the game include bullet selection, destructible terrain and a fuel gauge that limits the distance a player can move within their turn.

Along with a 3D overhaul we’ve also streamlined key components of the game and simplified the UI to make the game more intuitive to play.
Development went smoothly and the final product came out almost exactly as planned. Programming the tank movement proved more difficult than we thought, since we decided to go with physics based Rigidbodies that moved erratically to give the tanks a more lifelike feel. Procedural terrain generation was an obstacle but came out working really well after some lengthy fiddling with the code. If we were given more time on this project we’d probably spend it polishing the visuals and cleaning up our code a bit to weed out small bugs in the program.

All of the 3D models we used came from Copyright free 3D model websites. The game will only run on Windows.