Chess Royale 2.0 +ProUltmateEdition is a janky take on chess where you move pieces on the board to do things such as attack, defend and improve your position. this is all to take the opponents king proving your better at chess than someone by winning the game. The game is targeted at people wanting to play chess but can’t for a reason unbeknownst to be use mainstream chess platforms e.g., chess.com or play it over a chess board.

The final project just barely got to minimum project requirements not achieving an original game but just managing to create a functioning version of chess. with my original idea to be able to get new pieces becoming a stretch goal I wasn’t able to complete, having the project a husk of what could have been. Some benefits from this are that I learned lots of coding concepts and skills helping me improve my technical ability in certain coding languages. Some critical changes were made when I completely scraped the original design to make it easier in future by focusing more on board-state rather than UI this was done to make the future development easier. Some challenges were my lack of experience in this field but as I continued to work it became easier and harder as I tackled more complex problems. With more time I would have created my original concept rather than just rip-off chess, If I were to start over, I would code it to be even more simple at a base level to help simplify the game.