Titled Duck Game

Titled Duck Game is a puzzle game with neon sci-fi aesthetics, where you play as a hungry, robotic duck. You will navigate through the complex, branched passages, dodging obstacles, collecting coins, opening gates and making your way to the objective, a warm slice of bread.


The game in its basic form had problems with movement, difficulty and had a very basic, repetitive gameplay loop. This repolished version aims to address these issues while giving the game a pretty coat of paint.

At the beginning the movement was clunky, and holding down two directions would sometimes cancel each other out and sometimes wouldn’t. I also had trouble making each direction change the sprite. I refined the movement, and wrote some basic code, making each direction change the sprite when a key was pressed while making the movement more fluid.

I also made each sprite animated, so they weren’t just still images. I used this as a reference to animate the player sprite.

The next thing I wanted to do was add some variety in the gameplay, so I created two obstacles by following this tutorial and made one object move horizontally while the other moved vertically. I then created colour coded gates, with keys to find around the maze, to make the game a bit more difficult.

And to add the finishing touches to the game, I added sounds to play, each time you interacted with an object, died, or finished a level. Created a score counter that went up and collectible coins, finishing the project.


Even after creating a more interesting gameplay loop, and making the game more visually appealing, I’d have liked to polish the game more, making more levels, creating a menu, and a better UI to make the game seem more finished. And would have liked to add more variety to the mazes. I also planned to add an enemy AI, to follow the player, but couldn’t get it working, even after creating a sprite and animation for it.

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