This game is a top-down shooter roguelike prototype. You take the role of an angel battling the despair of the world in the form of a gloomy maze filled with despair sprites that you must take out, and hope fragments that you must collect to power up a gateway to move onto the next room.

The game’s objective was to be get through the world purging it of despair and take out the boss at the end. My final product was always going to be very ambitious, but I thought there was a chance I could do it all, but I was mistaken.
Although only a lesser version of what I envisioned, I had a lot of fun coding and figuring out game maker and feeling out the depths of my game and letting it take shape in ways I never expected, as even though it is unfinished, I am still proud of what I achieved. If I was to start again, I would of set my expectations at a smaller scale game, as I wanted to implement a great many features, I never got time to put in; such as a perk system, upgrades, a shop, randomised levels and more. I encounted many problems due to my limited coding experience.
I want to thank Dev and John who helped me out, and my teacher Rob.