To play the game you will need to have: a computer, keyboard, mouse and GameMaker.
The aim was to create a game that has working weapons, waves of different enemies and a final boss at the end.
Creating this game helped a lot with learning on how to use GameMaker’s code.
Some of the challenges we encountered while making Horde Havoc were creating a shooting cooldown for the weapons, finding a working pathfinding for the enemies, creating a “spawner” for some of the enemies.
We over came the shooting cooldown by playing a round with the alarms until something worked and it worked well in the end as well this is also the same for the “spawner”.
If we had more time on the project we would have added more stuff including: More diverse weapons such as grenades and a rocket launcher, some sort of reload so that the weapons cannot infinitely shoot and never run out of ammo, more levels with different enemies, more attacks for the boss, better path finding for the enemies, sound for weapons, enemies and boss etc, music and improving on the “spawner.”
If we were to create this project again we would focus on coding a better spawning for enemies since it needs improvement because at the moment it only spawns one type of enemy at a certain rate at random (in-between a certain time), infinitely spawns enemies (there is no limit or max enemies it can spawn), spawns enemies in the same spot each time.