Description: A third person game. You can run around, assassinate mannequins and vault over obstacles.
Controls: WASD + Mouse, Left Shift to vault, Space to jump, C to crouch, Left Alt to assassinate, Left ctrl to sprint.
Probably need Unreal Engine to play.
I wanted to make a first person shooter zombie game but I couldn’t get them to work so I started an RPG game.
If i had more time I would’ve liked to make an actual objective for the player and more things to keep it interesting.
I learnt some cool things like how to make a basic UI for my character, how to import and use animations, add sound effects and sync them to my animations, and how make a level system. If I could do it again I definitely would do the same rpg game but expand on it and try make more things for the character to do such as quests, maybe climbing/swimming, a combat system against ai that the character could fight. And I would definitely like to make an actual map instead of the default one I used.
download via google drive: