Bomb Rush Cyberfunk review Bomb Rush Cyberfunk on Steam
Bomb rush cyberfunk is an indie game released in 2023 that is inspired by the SEGA game series, Jet Set Radio.
The game is good and here’s why I think that.
For the rest of this review, I will shorten the name to BRC.
Chapter 1: gameplay
The gameplay starts simple. You can walk, and you can jump, this is all well and good. You can also slide, air dash by using jump in the air, use a boost like it’s every sonic game after rush, and most importantly, do tricks.
Your main reason for playing this game is to get as high of a score as you can (this only means something about half of the time) you do that by using the environment to your advantage.
The stuff in the environment you can interact with include:
2.Billboards to run on
3.Lamppost bots (if you can hit the required number of them in a single combo, you get cool stuff.)
And more
Doings all of this builds up a combo which ends when you touch the ground (though you can do a manual to delay the combo’s finalisation).
There are three styles you can choose from, a skateboard, inline skates, and a bike.
There isn’t really a point to choose one over the other because they all function pretty much the same.
Another main thing you will do throughout is graffiti stuff, you do this by walking up to a highlighted spot interact and move the stick in any direction unstill to get all the dot points.
There are four sizes to these.
1.Small, which are done instantly.
2.Medium which has 4 dots.
3.Large, which has 5 dots.
And extra-large, which has 6 dots.
Doing this earns you REP, which is required to progress the story, and attracts cops.
There is combat but you can usually just ignore it because it’s bad.
Chapter 2: The LORE!
(the game’s story)
The story is simple.
You are in prison, you get busted out, you and the guy who busted you out escape, you get STRAIGHT-UP DECAPITATED, and now your head is replaced by with that of a robot making you a cyborg (or as the game calls them cyberheads).
The main goal throughout the story is to go All City, and how you ask?
You do this by getting REP and getting good.
Below is a picture of red (not the one from Angry birds), the main protagonist and the guy you spend most of it playing as (you don’t have to most of the time but that’s what I did).

Chapter 3: style (graphics/music).
The style of BRC is the main selling point of this shebang and it pays off well.
First off, the graphics, they aren’t trying to be realistic, the art style is like the Jet Set Radio but different enough to be its own thing and that’s cool.
The music is pretty good in my opinion the vibe is all late 90’s/early 2000’s stuff.
We got chill stuff, funky stuff, no country music though (the last one is a good thing, country music sucks) but none of the tracks are as GOATED as the 2 made by Hideki Naganuma. Who fun fact was also responsible for parts of the Jet Set Radio soundtrack.
Chapter 4: replayability
The replayability of BRC is there but it’s not really needed.
I mean the only reasons you would want to replay are the crew battles, dream sequences and boss fights.
Crew battles are simple, they are a 3v3 2-minute fight to see who can get the highest total score and whichever team does that wins. And how you will complete chapters 1 to 4.
The dream sequences happen after you win a crew battle.

The main difference between the main areas and the dreams are that the dreams are linear starting at one end and ending at another.
The boss fights are mid, just like the combat, you usually win then by spraying them or ramming them.
The main reason I think the combat sucks is because it just doesn’t work.
there is an argument that it’s too simple but BRC’s main priority is movement.
Chapter 5: conclusion
BRC at the end of the day, is just a game that wanted to carry on the legacy of Jet Set Radio, and it turned to be more than that.
You can see the inspiration is there but as its own thing it’s amazing.
This game has flaws but it does good it does like a professional.
Long story short, consider playing Bomb Rush Cyberfunk.
Now I have some tomfoolery to commit.