Borderlands is first person looter shooter RPG made by Gear box software published by 2k in September the 18 th 2012.
Game play – There are so many different types of guns to choose from. I’m aware that Borderlands 2 has over 2000 gun to pick from. And like other RPG there are levels and class to choose from. But this is where borderlands are different with their classes it not like other RPGs. Instead of having tanks or support every single class can be played in any way using build in the skill tree by levelling up. But the thing that makes all the classes unique is they all have an ability that their classes focus on. But the fun thing about borderlands is they are not limited to a certain play style they have the freedom to do stuff at their own paste. And the other great thing is you have freedom to pick any gun of your choice and each gun has a unique thing to it like for e.g. some gun explodes when reloading etc. And I really like the vast number of enemies in the game to robot to rats and monsters. It never feels like you are fighting the same enemy.
Story – Out of all the borderlands games 2 is by far the best. It has all the old characters from the first game. It has a lot of hours for gameplay just for the main story and if want a challenge then to try true vault hunter mode. The point of true vault hunter mode is that its upscale all the enemy’s to the base level to 30. If you get bored of that then ultimate true vault mode where the level base is 50. The DLC of borderlands is very interesting and there so many to pick from. In the DLC of borderland you will a lot meet a lot of funky characters, and this also applies to the main game.
Graphics – It’s not the best because it was made the for Xbox 360 and PS3. But there has been a remaster call the handsome collection which make it the graphics good. but were the graphics lacks the scenery makes up for it.

The sound for this game is amazing to the voice acting to the soundtrack and the gameplay. I Will start of stating how good the sound matches with the gameplay that fact that you can your own footstep in the snow is great. Because it really enhances gameplay for me. And another thing about the sound. are the guns that you use when you fire a regular gun it makes a regular sound compared to the other futuristic gun that make a Lazer sound. The soundtrack for Borderlands is great is really enhances the playing experiences. for.eg. There is a certain. Soundtrack that plays when the player is in combat.[1]
My opinion on Borderlands 2 is that it’s a one of kind game that has good story and gameplay as well I rate it 8/10, I would recommend anyone who enjoy open world Mayhem and RPGs and if you like any first-person shooter like call of duty but also like a good story you should check borderlands 2 out.
[1] (“Borderlands 2 – 2K”) http://www.justpushstart.com/2013/04/borderlands-2-ultimate-vault-hunter-upgrade-pack-review/ Borderlands 2 Review (explosion.com)New Borderlands 2 screenshots show off colorful cel-shading | RPG Site