The game is a short fun experience. It acts similarly to old arcade games like packman with a simple goal for both players to achieve. It’s supposed to be fast paced, something you can enjoy without committing much time to.
The game consists of two players, the red and the yellow. The goal of the yellow player it to find the secret hidden exit while the goal of the red player is to catch the yellow. It’s a simple design, if the yellow player eventually finds the exit it will be taken to a room which will announce its victory. To restart the game the yellow player just needs to run into the finish line marked by an arrow and the game will reset.

As the designer of the game, it’s my job to make the game not just playable but enjoyable. I have used a variety of techniques to achieve this which can be seen even in the start menu I added which is full of colour and faces which gives a little bit of chaos drawing in the audience from the very beginning. These additions among other things resulted in the game to be significantly more enjoyable and engaging for the audience playing it. It is more polished than the original version and succeeded in upgraded the originally bare bones game into something that was fun.
If I was to go back and do this project again, I would like to experiment with the different sounds. This is something that I found myself playing around with a bit but found it to be too time consuming so resorted to completing everything else first and make it the last thing I do. Unfortunately, I ran out of time, but it would definitely lead to a more immersive game that keeps the audience engaged.
System requirements
- Game maker needed
- Computer able to run Gamemaker