This top-down shooter game revolves around the player fighting against despair and collecting hope. The aim of the game was intended to be survival until a secondary objective opens and upon completion of this, the game would be won. However I did not have enough time to get to that point, so for now it is just a survival shooter with low replayability. You spawn in at the start with the ability to fire off fire bolts at the enemies that come towards you. The despair doesn’t collide with walls, so you have to run around the maze getting yourself into strategic spots to avoid and kill them. Hidden in the maze are some hope collectables that add to your score also. The enemies spawn from little nodes around the map, and have their speed and health slightly randomised, but the catch is that all enemies with the same genetics are linked so if you kill one all on the map die – which introduces some stratagem there as well.
I gave an animation to all of the sprites, and tried to play with the colour scheme of light being good and dark being bad.
I had hoped to add a boss fight and some point to collecting high amounts of score and hope but ran out of time to implement this. I encountered a great many bugs along the way and managed to squish all the ones that impact gameplay, even if I didn’t get to add as many features as I would have liked.
I used a tutorial for the scoring system showing up at the top of the screen, and for the bullet firing system I used Rob’s tutorial and some help from Dev.

The game might have some performance issues if you let a lot of enemies spawn, but aside from that I encountered nothing that would require a powerful system.