The game follows a funny cat and his adventure around the world. The cat must enter portals to move on to the next level. The cat really likes jumping. Cat is funny.
The original to-do list for the game refining is here:
- Adding different movement methods e.g., double jump, jump pads, portals…
- Adding dialogue and an NPC.
- Add sounds for jumping and walking.
- Altering the difficulty and the hitboxes of the spikes. The spikes were eliminating the players even when the spikes did not collide the players.
In conclusion, I believe the game has been polished sufficiently. However, I think that I could have done more with my time if the coding went smoothly with little errors. There are no sound effects or any soundtrack, which I wished to add but was unable to due to time constraints. In a last-ditch effort, I decided to work on jump pads, but I did not have enough time to create the coding for it and evaluated that what I should do is do odd jobs like adding more backgrounds and a low-effort secret ending.
The process of dialogue animating, and double jump coding took much of the time, but was not utilized well in the game. The dialogue appeared in one room only, and the double jump was used for one level.
The polish was supposed to make the game look aesthetically better and to make the game enjoyable. In my opinion, the game looks slightly better than the original, and the game is slightly more enjoyable than the original.